Dogs are adorable creatures which we love to keep as pets but when you see them scratching all day long you know there is only one thing that keeps them scratching away, fleas! Those nasty parasitic insects. It can be challenging figuring out how to help your dog get rid of them and then you wonder if you could get them too.
However, it is not the sole concern occupying your thoughts. Another issue has been causing sleepless nights, can dog fleas survive in human hair? As you observe your pet incessantly scratching, the question of whether you might fall victim to a similar plight lingers. The discomfort has even led you to feel itchy and uneasy around them.
Don’t fret, this article will tell you all you need to know about dog fleas and whether or not they can survive in human hair.
Can Dog Fleas Survive In Human Hair?
Firstly, fleas cannot survive on human hair because they cannot complete their life cycle on human blood so living on human hair is not ideal for them
The dog flea, (Ctenocephalides canis), are not adapted to survive on human hair due to the distinct characteristics of their bodies. Nonetheless, they can leap from a pet to a person, causing bites. Contrary to common belief, fleas do not fly, they rely on jumping. Once a flea finds a host, it typically becomes a permanent resident of that host but that host cannot be human hair because humans do not provide it with a comfortable living space.
Although fleas cannot survive on human hair, you should try to avoid their bites as they may transmit harmful human pathogens, and in addition to that, their bites can cause serious itching.
Certain animals become attractive to fleas primarily due to their fur. Take, for instance, a dog covered with thick fur serves as an ideal nesting place for a substantial flea population. Within the fur, these insects can burrow deeply and lay their eggs, creating an optimal breeding environment.
In contrast, humans generally possess less hair than many other animals, making them less appealing to fleas. Consequently, the concern of fleas leaping from your pet to your head is unlikely. Even if it happens, the flea wouldn’t find a suitable habitat on your head due to the limited amount of hair.
To safeguard against flea bites, it’s important to address the situation when these insects inhabit your family pet. Delaying action will only escalate the infestation over time. Neglecting the issue may lead to fleas spreading to other animals in your home, as these tiny insects are good at laying eggs wherever they can and can easily jump from one animal to another.
Tips for Prevention
Since you now know that dog fleas cannot survive in human hair but are likely to bite and go off to find a better habitat, here are some tips to keep them away from your house and pets.
1. Treat your pets against fleas:

The first and important step you can take in other to prevent flea infestation is to treat your dogs for fleas since their bodies are a perfect living and breeding space for fleas.
Take your dogs to the veterinary clinic to treat them against fleas the moment you notice them scratching. If you constantly ignore the problem, then it spreads faster than you can imagine.
2. Regularly use flea treatment:

Taking your pets to the vet clinic is not enough because those pets will always find their way back. Ask your vet doctor for recommendations on what to use for your dog.
Consistently adhering to this will keep fleas away, meaning you don’t have to worry about them.
3. Bathe and clean up your pet dogs regularly:

If you’re intentional about taking care of your pet dogs then you won’t have much problem with flea infestation. Get a dog wash or dog shampoo and regularly bathe them to keep them clean. Bathing your pets constantly is another ideal way to keep fleas away because it helps you observe their skin to see if they have fleas hidden anywhere around.
4. Clean your dog’s cage and bedding:

Dog fleas are easily found around their cages or wherever they constantly stay, they equally lay eggs wherever they can. It is important to not just clean your dogs alone but to also clean their home as these fleas could be hidden around ready to crawl back onto your dogs. Clean your dog’s cage regularly to prevent fleas from multiplying and worrying your dogs.
It has been established that dog fleas cannot survive on the human hair. Although your pet’s incessant itching can be worrisome, you don’t need to worry about getting fleas in your head as it is unlikely to happen.
If a flea finds its way into your hair, it may bite you before leaping back into the environment. These resilient pests can persist in the nooks and crannies of your home, patiently waiting for an opportunity to find a suitable host, such as a dog.
Meanwhile, adopt these preventive measures to keep fleas at bay from both your pets and yourself. Maintain a regular vacuuming routine, launder your bedding with hot water and a hot dryer, and routinely check your pets for any signs of fleas. These precautions can significantly lower the likelihood of experiencing flea bites.