How To Deal With A Husband Who Tells Everything To His Mom

A mummy’s boy. Whenever you call any man this name, especially in the hate of an argument it can get so intense and if not handled properly can change a lot of things in the marriage in a negative way. But first, who is a mummy’s boy? Easy, he is someone who tells his mom every single thing.

He is someone who maintains an excessive and dependent attachment to his mother, even when he should be self-sufficient. Being self-dependent entails the ability to live independently, provide for oneself, engage in marriage, and make decisions autonomously.

While the definition of adulthood can vary across societies, the concept of a mommy’s boy typically carries the presumption that such an individual may be perceived as effeminate or possibly dealing with certain personality disorders. In this dynamic, the mother often plays a central role as the go-to figure for assistance and support.

It would be premature and inaccurate to label your husband without conducting a thorough investigation into his situation. To ascertain your husband’s tendencies, consider reflecting on the following questions:

  • Does your husband prioritize his mother’s wishes over yours?
  • Is he consistent in staying in touch with his mother on a daily basis?
  • When faced with a choice between you and his mother, does he consistently choose her?
  • Does he live with his mother or in close proximity to her?
  • Does he struggle to make decisions independently, relying heavily on his mother’s input?
  • Is he still receiving financial support from his mother?

If the answer to all these is yes, then he is a mummy’s boy. Because we don’t want this destroying your home like it eventually will if not dealt with early enough, we have packaged few tips on how to deal with your husband so that he stops telling his mom everything.

1. First Accept Your Reality

Acknowledging and accepting the reality that your husband prioritizes his mother is the initial step in navigating this situation. It’s crucial to recognize that she has been a significant presence in his life long before you entered the picture. Attempting to replace or compete with his mother’s role may prove futile and lead to unnecessary conflict. Instead, it is advisable to steer clear of such endeavors.

Opt for a more constructive approach by embracing the positive aspects of the situation. Manage your expectations within the existing boundaries and strive to build a peaceful life by understanding and accepting the dynamics that have shaped your husband.

2. Talk To Him

Often, individuals who exhibit traits of being momma’s boys may not be aware of their behavior, and they might even resist being labeled as such. In approaching this situation, it becomes your responsibility to engage in open and loving communication.

Initiate a conversation where you calmly express your observations, making him aware of his actions and their impact on you. Share your experiences and the challenges you’ve faced, emphasizing the need for him to be mindful of his behavior to avoid causing you further hurt. Be honest in your communication without resorting to insults, creating a space for understanding and resolution in a peaceful manner.

3. Try Indulging Him

Engage your husband by initiating a conversation about the roles each of you plays in the relationship. Momma’s boys might idealize their mothers, so it’s important to remind him that you have a distinct role as his wife, not his mother.

Express the uniqueness of your role as his wife and emphasize the differences between a spousal relationship and a parent-child dynamic. Caution him against making comparisons and encourage him to appreciate and embrace the individual aspects of your connection. Reinforce the idea that, while his mother holds a special place, your role is distinct and valuable in its own right.

4. Don’t Threaten Him

It’s essential to recognize that introducing threats into the situation can breed resentment. When you convey ultimatums, you implicitly force your husband to choose between you and his mother. It’s important to understand that neither your husband nor his mother is to be blamed outright, so attempting to eliminate her from the equation is not a constructive approach.

Instead, redirect your focus toward encouraging your husband to become more self-dependent for the benefit of your marriage. Work towards fostering positive changes in his behavior and mindset, emphasizing personal growth and autonomy without creating a divisive atmosphere.

5. Build A Relationship With His Mother

Investing time in building a connection with your husband’s mother can be an effective and efficient approach to addressing the current issue. This demonstrates your love for him and your genuine interest in his family relationships. By doing so, you express your commitment to maintaining a positive and supportive environment rather than trying to create division.

Additionally, spending time with his mother can foster a stronger bond between you and her. Sharing your perspective with her can be beneficial, as it opens up lines of communication and understanding. This may lead to her being more supportive of your relationship and encouraging your husband to consider your input in decision-making processes.

6. Live Far From Her

Insisting on living at a distance from your husband’s mother and establishing clear boundaries, such as not allowing her to reside in your matrimonial home, can be a proactive measure to prevent potential conflicts.

While being open to your mother-in-law’s visits, it’s important to establish agreed-upon timeframes for her stay. This strategy aims to strike a balance that allows for family connections without compromising the harmony of your marital space.

Creating physical distance can encourage your husband’s independence and self-reliance, fostering an environment where he can make decisions autonomously.

7. Appeal To His Emotions

Appealing to your husband’s emotions by incorporating aspects of his mother’s positive influence can be an effective strategy. While it may not be feasible to adopt all of her attributes, focusing on specific areas can help strengthen your connection.

For instance, showcasing culinary skills by preparing his favorite dishes can create a sense of comfort and nostalgia. Engaging him in conversations about topics he loves, such as sports or business, allows you to connect on a deeper level and reinforces your genuine interest in his passions.

By investing time and effort in understanding and incorporating elements that resonate with him emotionally, you increase the likelihood of him developing a fondness for you.

8. Start Making Strong Decisions

It’s important to assess the state of your marriage carefully. If your husband is genuinely willing to change and work towards a healthier dynamic, it’s advisable to give him the opportunity to do so. However, if he remains resistant to change and the situation becomes untenable, you may need to consider the possibility of walking away.

In certain instances, it may be necessary to assert your own boundaries by refusing to engage in activities that you find uncomfortable or that go against your principles.

9. Patience Is Key

Patience is crucial when it comes to expecting change in a relationship. Transformation takes time, and it’s essential to recognize and appreciate the efforts your husband is making to become a better partner.

Encourage and support him in his journey toward positive change. Be patient as both of you navigate through the process of building a stronger, more balanced relationship.

10. Go on Vacations together

Planning vacations together can be an effective way to create a space for just the two of you and strengthen your bond. Consider arranging enjoyable trips that provide an opportunity for quality time away from the usual environment, including his mother’s influence.

Suggesting a “no phone” trip underscores the importance of undistracted, focused time together. This setting allows your husband to make decisions independently and fosters an environment where he can appreciate and value your companionship.

These experiences can contribute to building a stronger connection and a deeper understanding of each other. The shared memories from these vacations may serve as a reminder of the unique and valuable aspects of your relationship, helping to reinforce the importance of your partnership.


At the end of the day, your husband plays a pivotal role in determining the impact of his attachment to his mother on your marriage. Communicate with him about the importance of prioritizing your marriage, emphasizing that it is beneficial for both of you. Acknowledge that being torn between the roles of a husband and a mama’s boy can lead to internal conflict.

Encourage him to recognize the value of placing your relationship first and working together to establish a new and healthier normal. If he is receptive to the idea and begins to prioritize your marriage, navigate the changes with sensitivity as you both adapt to this new dynamic.

However, if he remains resistant and unwilling to shift priorities, it may be necessary to take some time apart. This separation allows him the space to reflect on his priorities and the impact on the marriage. In doing so, you empower him to make a decision about the direction he wants to take in the relationship.