21 Best Islamic Bio For Instagram In Arabic Text

One of the best ways to show on your Instagram bio that you are proud to be a Muslim is by having the best Islamic bio for Instagram to make your profile more attractive and help you connect effortlessly with other Muslim brothers and sisters from across the globe.

Developing a strong first image is the key to your Instagram bio, just like it is too pretty much anything else on the internet. Most people scan your bio and photographs for just a few seconds before deciding whether or not to follow you.

They might choose to connect with your content or follow your account if your Instagram bio is intriguing. If it’s not, you risk losing their attention in connecting with you.

Moreover, I’ll explain what a bio is in this article, how to create one, and some unique Instagram bio tips. However, the most important thing is that I will provide you with some best examples of Islamic Instagram bios that you can just simply copy and paste onto your profile.

What is a bio on Instagram?

The brief textual description that appears beneath your username on Instagram allows you to introduce yourself or your business. Your Instagram bio might include a succinct description of yourself or your business, your location, emojis, hashtags, and more.

Here is an illustration of one of the top Instagram bios:

Marie Forleo’s Instagram bio is impressive. She introduces herself in the opening line: “CEO. Writer. #MarieTV.” Dancer in Fancy. Her amazing bio’s top quote serves as social proof.

‘Named a “Thinking Leader for the Next Generation” by Oprah.” I don’t understand about you, but to me, this indicates that she is someone who merits your attention. This IG bio’s third line summarizes what she does: Learning to Obtain *anything* you desire. 

Her CTA, which includes a link to a freely accessible download, appears in the final line. To make the text simpler to read and grab more attention, she added two emojis. Marie Forleo’s Ig bio strategy is something you should imitate if you’re seeking Instagram bio inspiration for girls.

Instagram Bio Template

Your Instagram bio can be written as you choose. Here are some suggestions for your Instagram bio based on current fashions. Follow these tips and improve your work immediately if you want to become an Instagram expert.

1. Give a brief introduction of yourself

Self-descriptions are frequently found in the finest Instagram bios.

Your professional title(s), the business you own or work for, some achievements, things you love, and what makes you unique are a few items to think about.

The bio on Queen Latifah’s Instagram does a terrific job of summarizing who she is. She identifies herself as an “Actor/Rapper/Singer/Producer” in the opening line of her bio. People who visit her fan page will discover that she is more than simply an actor, and they might look into some of her other projects to find out more about her.

Additionally, when someone visits her Instagram account, they will immediately recognize that she is well-known because of the tiny blue tick that appears on her profile. One of Queen Latifah’s Instagram bio writing advice lessons is that even a brief bio may reveal a lot about a person.

2. List your passions

You must engage your audience if you want to make a positive first impression. How do you manage that? through expressing your passions.

For instance, Paola Antonini’s Instagram bio gives a cryptic indication of who she is and what her account is about. She lists “Lifestyle | Travel | Gratitude” as her hobbies.

you become a little curious when the term gratitude is spoken. She has a prosthetic leg, which is immediately apparent after looking at a few images. She is interesting to follow because a large portion of her Instagram is made up of images showing her having fun, traveling, and experiencing life.

 I’m pretty sure her 2.6 million fans concur. The easiest bio will always be the best to read and listing your most alluring interests are two crucial Instagram bio writing advice to emulate.

3. Provide your contact details

If you’re a media personality, the administrator of a social site, or a business, your Instagram bio ought to include your contact details.

The most common phrase is “For business inquiries, email [email protected].” You may also tell others to send messages to your DM.

In order to facilitate communication, the app developer A Color Story has provided their email address in their Instagram bio. Making your contact information more visible is one of those Instagram bio recommendations you need to adhere to because the whole point of social media is to promote social interaction.

5. Include a call to action

Whether you’re a business owner or an influencer, your Instagram bio really must have a call to action. Keep in mind that you can only provide one link for users to click on. So include a call to action to “join my course,” “see out my most recent blog post,” or “buy the hottest fashion items now.” An illustration of Tony Robbins’ Instagram bio features the CTA “Watch the Documentary.” To draw more emphasis on the link, the finger emoji points downward.

Try these 5 Instagram bio tricks.

Want to know some Instagram bio design tips to make your bio stand out? Four of the most popular ones are listed below:

  • Changing the font in your Instagram bio.

You can quickly copy and paste many Instagram bio fonts for your profile using a service like LingoJam. Simply enter the words you desire in a different typeface, for example, your name. After that, browse the fonts until you find one you like. Add a direct copy and paste it to your Instagram bio.

  • Add symbols to your Instagram Bio.

You may copy and paste symbols and ornamental text using websites like CoolSymbol. There are many cool symbols to choose from, including stars, copyright money, hearts, zodiac signs, and more. You can quickly copy one of their icons by clicking it. you can access Instagram.

  • Insert an Instagram Link in Your Bio.

Therefore, you most likely already know how to include a link to your website in your Instagram profile. What happens, though, if you want to add several links? Linkpop is a cute little website that can assist you in doing this. Logging into your Shopify account, adding the links you want to the landing page, and sharing your special link on your Instagram profile is all that is required.

  • The best way to add a link to your Instagram bio

Observe these procedures to add a link to your Instagram bio:

  • Choose the “Edit Profile” button while you are in your profile.
  • In the “Website” section, enter the website’s URL.
  • Save your changes.
  • Verify the hyperlink to your website in your account.
  • Increase Bio Space on Instagram

You may add clean breaks to your Instagram bio using the free application provided by Apps4Life, and then click the Change button to copy it to your clipboard. The phrase can then be pasted immediately into your Instagram bio by going to your app. The simplest approach to having an Instagram bio space is to do this. You no longer have to deal with manually making room in the Instagram app.

21 Best Islamic Bio For Instagram In Arabic Text

1. Arabic: لا يهمني ما تقوله عني ، أنا أحب من أنا. فخور بكوني مسلما

English: Don’t care what you say about me I like the way I am. Proud to be a Muslim🕋

2. Arabic: ابدأ العيش خارج منطقة راحتك اليوم عن طريق القيام بشيء لا تفعله عادة.

English: Start living outside your comfort zone today by doing something you normally wouldn’t do.

3. Arabic: كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام ، ربما ليس الآن ، ولكن قريبًا. ان شاء الله

English: Everything will be alright, maybe not now, but soon. #Inshallah

4. Arabic: كنت لا أريد أن أصبح أفضل كاتب اذا واصلتم تقديم أعذار.

English: You’re not going to become a better writer if you keep making excuses.

5. Arabic: حولت علبتها إلى علب وأحلامها إلى خطط

English: She turned her can’t into cans and her dreams into plans

6. Arabic: يوم في حياتي: تناول نخب الأفوكادو، ونشر مقاطع فيديو على Instagram، واقرأ تعليقات Instagram

English: A day in the life of me: Eat avocado toast, post-Instagram videos, read Instagram comments

7. Arabic: حان الوقت لأدخل دائرة الضوء. لقد كسبتها.

English: It’s my time to step into the spotlight. I’ve earned it.

8. Arabic: أنا مصاب لكنني ما زلت أبتسم. هذه حياتي.. وجبة خفيفة منتصف الليل

English: I’m hurt but I still smile. That’s my life. Midnight snacker

9. Arabic: الناس تناديني سارة ولكن يمكنك الاتصال بي الليلة

English: People call me Sara but you can call me tonight

10. Arabic: أؤمن بجعل المستحيل ممكنًا لأنه لا توجد متعة في الاستسلام

English: I believe in making the impossible possible because there’s no fun in giving up.

11. Arabic: حولت أحلامي إلى رؤيتي ورؤيتي إلى واقعي

English: Turned my dreams into my vision and my vision into my reality

12. Arabic: أنا لست مثاليًا، لكن القصص دائمًا ما تكون أفضل بلمسة من النقص

English: I’m not perfect, but stories are always better with a touch of imperfection

13. Arabic: معاييري عالية تمامًا مثل كعبي

English: My standards are high just like my heels

14. Arabic: السعادة لا تخرج عن الأناقة

English: Happiness never goes out of style

15. Arabic: أشع من الداخل حتى لا يستطيع أحد أن يخفت نوري

English: I shine from within so no one can dim my light

16. Arabic: أنا امرأة بطموح وقلب من ذهب

English: I’m a woman with ambition and a heart of gold

17. Arabic: ذات يوم، آمل أن أكون رجلاً عجوزًا متزوجًا بسعادة يروي قصصًا جامحة من شبابه المتوحش

English: One day, I hope to be a happily married old man telling wild stories from his wild youth.

18. Arabic: أنا هنا محتال “للمطالبة بما هو لي

English: I’m out here hustlin’ to claim what’s mine

19. Arabic: لقد ولدت لأفعل بالضبط ما أفعله اليوم

English: I was born to do exactly what I’m doing today

20. Arabic: قد لا أكون حيث أريد أن أكون بعد، لكنني أقترب كل يوم

English: I might not be where I want to be yet, but I get closer every day

21. Arabic: أنا فتاة فخورة بتراثي العربي وأنا أفتخر به بكل فخر

English: Am a girl who is proud of my Arabic heritage and I rock it with pride


The finest Instagram bios can advance both your private and organizational objectives as well as your Instagram account. You can add calls to action to your bio to encourage visitors to take particular actions when they view your profile. Regardless, your objective is to grow your Instagram followers, generate more sales, or create awareness about your faith in Allah.

But don’t pass up the chance to talk more about your business and yourself. Being memorable and interesting is one of the most crucial things, therefore don’t be afraid to be a little weird and amusing.

Which Instagram bio from this list will you be putting on your profile? Feel free to share with us via the comment box below.