When Do Babies Start Talking?

Your infant’s primary means of expression up to this point has been crying. Fortunately, they will make a significant advancement in their language skills, and will soon be able to speak. Your child will begin babbling before they pronounce any actual words, just as they must crawl before they can walk. 

Around 4 months, most newborns start babbling, and around 7 months, they start rehearsing their repetitive sounds like “da da.” Babbling, which occurs when a newborn begins experimenting with sounds, listening for a response, reacting, and forming social connections, is a significant developmental milestone.

During the first two years of life, when a newborn’s brain is quickly developing, important developmental milestones for a baby learning to communicate occur. During that period, both “baby talk” abilities and your kid’s speech development are reliant on you.

Right after birth, the first nonverbal “baby chatter” appears. From fear and hunger to irritation and sensory overload, your baby groans, cries, and wriggles to communicate a variety of emotions and physiological demands. Good parents pick up the ability to hear and decipher their baby’s many screams.

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Exactly when your kid will utter those enchanting first words varies tremendously from baby to baby. But if your child fails to reach any of the following speech development milestones, consult your child’s pediatrician or primary care physician.

Milestones for Baby Talk

  • 3 month-old baby 

At three months old, your baby is listening to your voice, watching your face while you speak, and turning toward other voices, sounds, and music that is playing in the house. Many babies choose the voice of a woman over a guy. Many babies also favor the music and voices they first heard while still in the womb. By the third month, newborns start “cooing,” which is a contented, soft, repetitive, sing-song vocalization. 

  • 6 months old. 

Your kid starts babbling with various noises at the age of six months. Your infant might say “ba-ba” or “da-da,” for instance. Babies react to their own nicknames, understand their native dialect, and employ their tone of voice at the end of the sixth or seventh month to convey their happiness or distress. A series of “da-da” babbles is sometimes mistaken for a baby’s first words, “daddy,” by excited parents. But at this age, babbling is typically still composed of random words that have no actual meaning or cognition.

  • 9-month-old baby talk

 Babies can grasp a few simple phrases like “no” and “bye-bye” around nine months. Additionally, they might start using a larger variety of consonant sounds and voice tones.

  • 12 months of age: 

By the end of their first year, most newborns can speak a few basic words like “mama” and “dada,” and they are usually aware of what they are saying. They comply with your brief, one-step commands such as, “Please put that down,” or at the very least understand them if not obey them.

  • 18 months old. 

At this age, babies can point to the people, things, and body parts you mention while also saying a few short words. They mimic words or noises you speak, such as the final word of a phrase, by repeating them. However, they frequently omit words at the end. They might say “daw” for “dog” or “noo- noo’s” for “noodles,” for instance.

  • Age two. 

Babies can form brief sentences of two to four syllables, such as “Mommy bye-bye” or “me milk,” by the age of two. They are discovering that words can refer to both concrete things, like “cup,” and abstract concepts, like “my.”

  • At age 3, a baby talks. 

When your child is three years old, their vocabulary increases quickly, and pretend play encourages comprehension of abstract and symbolic language like “now,” emotions like “sad,” and spatial notions like “in.”

How to Boost Speech in Your Baby

Can babies learn to talk? Yes even before they can communicate clearly, babies can comprehend what you’re communicating. Even though they grasp 25 or more words, many newborns who are learning to communicate at first only utilize one or two. You can aid your child in learning to speak if you:

1. Observe. 

Your infant might raise both arms to indicate that they want to be scooped up, give you a toy to indicate that they want to play, or push food off of their plate to indicate that they are full. In order to support these earliest, nonverbal attempts at infant conversation, smile, make eye contact, and react.

2. Start paying attention. 

Give heed to your infant’s cooing and chattering, then mimic those noises for the infant. Babies attempt to mimic the sounds that their parents make and to alter pitch and tone to correspond to the language that is being spoken around them. Be patient and give your child plenty of time to communicate with you.

3. Appreciate. 

Even the simplest or most perplexing attempts at baby speak should be greeted with a smile. Babies pick up on speaking power by observing how adults react to them.

4. Try to mimic. 

Children adore hearing their parents’ voices. Also, talking to children by parents encourages speech development. The more you converse with them in their “baby talk,” using brief, straightforward, and appropriate phrases like “dog” when your child says “daw,” The more newborns will continue to attempt to speak.

5. Give more detail. 

Don’t just feed your infant more noodles if they are making too much noise and pointing to the table. Instead, remark, “Instead, point to the noodles,” “Do you desire additional noodles? Don’t you think cheese goes well with these noodles?”

6. Describe. 

As you clean, diaper, breastfeed, and bathe your baby, speak about what you’re accomplishing. For example, “Let’s slip on these flannel pants now” or “I’m chopping up your chicken for you.” This will help your baby associate your speech with these things and experiences.

7. Show affection. 

Keep attempting to understand what your infant is saying, even when you can’t. Ask if what you think is being said is accurate by gently repeating it again. Continue to show your infant your affection so that they will feel appreciated.

8. Give your kid the reins. 

Playtime is a great opportunity to demonstrate that conversation is a two-game that involves both speaking and listening, directing and responding. As they get older and become infants, encourage kids to act, imagine, and interact out loud to enhance their linguistic skills.

Reading aloud Young children who frequently enjoy and relax while being read aloud develop into lifelong readers.


Seeing your child surpass benchmarks is one of parenting’s most thrilling experiences. There is nothing more wonderful than witnessing your baby’s first toothless smile, and nothing is more exciting than seeing your baby take their first footsteps. You will cherish and treasure these moments when your baby says his or her first word.