Septum Piercing: Everything You Need To Know Right Now

How painful is a septum piercing, and what does a septum piercing say about you?

The culture of body piercings is something that is increasingly normalized in our society. Within the realm of nose piercings, the range of possibilities has been opening up more and more, designating all kinds of variants. Now, not only does the so-called nostril predominate, but the septum or bridge has become increasingly relevant, and each of them requires some care and considerations that are worth reviewing.

It has ceased to be just a fashion and has become the hallmark of an entire generation. The same thing that happened to tattoos a few years ago has happened to nose piercing (in all its forms): it has progressed from an eccentricity to more than a popular accessory. If you consider falling into their networks, or if you have already fallen, you may be interested in everything we are going to tell you about them: what modalities there are, how much it hurts, the time it takes to heal, how to cure it, its risks, and whether or not it leaves a mark.

Although there have been many stereotypes about people who wear piercings for many years (that they are conflictive, masochists, punks, and so on), according to a study carried out by professor Peter Kappeler from the University of Gottingen, those who subject their bodies to perforations do so mainly for the following reasons: aesthetic (they feel more beautiful), sexual, and ritual. But the study also lists other reasons, such as being a sign of protest, a way to show one’s individuality, or even a way to show that one is part of a group.

So, banishing the stigmas, let’s get constructive and see the positive side of piercings:

  • On a physical level, they make the wearer feel that they are a special, different, interesting person and, ultimately, more attractive
  • On a mental level, it is a test of courage that, once passed, causes a certain euphoria, a feeling that usually leads to repeating the experience.
  • On a character level, they consider themselves stronger, more creative, and willing to try new experiences.

Now let’s focus on the nose piercing and get to know it better

The Aesthetic part of nose piercing has 5 types which are;

  • NOSTRIL is the perforation that is made in the fin of the nose. It is achieved by crossing the alar cartilage on one side. There is the NOSTRIL ALTO modality, which is performed above the curvature of the nasal fin. In both cases, it hurts a bit, although it is not the worst.
  • BRIDGE; is the piercing that is placed on the upper part of the nose, almost at the level of the eyes, and consists of a horizontal perforation of the skin, not of the nasal septum, so it does not hurt too much. There are many urban legends about its complications: that it can cause blindness and even brain infections, but they are completely false.
  • SEPTUM;  is the piercing that is made under the cartilage, in the part of the nose that divides the nostrils. It does not go through the cartilage, only a fleshy part that hardly hurts, although it can be annoying
  • RINO;   for rhinoceros, is a vertical piercing at the tip of the nose pierced with a jewel visible above and below. The pain it causes is similar to that of the nostril but multiplied by two since two perforations are practiced.
  • NASALLANG; is a triple perforation that goes through the two wings and the nasal septum with a single horizontal jewel. As for the pain, well, why to fool ourselves, of those that are done in the nose, it hurts the most

Having known about the many types let’s dive into the most trending type of it

Septum Piercing: Everything you Need to Know About It

What is Septum Piercing?

“The piercing in the septum has existed for thousands of years, and has its lineage in warlike cultures, presumably, a warrior with a fang in the nostrils will look extremely aggressive,” says Dowdell.

However, many people are wrong about this drilling. “The accurate ordering is not in the hard tissue at the base of the nostrils, as many have done,” he says. “But in a very thin membrane located just above that tissue, and under the nasal cartilage.”

He says that any experienced piercer will know where this point is and that the piercing can be quick and painless if it is done right. Recovery is also fast, and the professional can advise you on the size that suits you best.

Septum piercing has become very fashionable in recent years. It involves making a hole in the thin skin between the nostrils and the nasal septum.

This layer of skin is very thin but is in a very sensitive area and is usually painful when it comes to doing it and first care. Despite being a more hidden area of the nose than for other piercings, it is usually in constant motion when talking, moving the upper lip, or cleaning the nose.

Septum piercing healing period

The septum can take up to 6 months to heal, and the first 5 weeks are essential so that it can heal well and not generate abscesses.

The healing process and care

It is essential to go to a professional with guarantees to avoid complications during and after the drilling.

Regarding care, the first thing is to choose an initial jewel made of a material that does not cause problems, such as titanium or gold, in any case, it is better to avoid those that contain nickel. Once this first piercing is placed, do not remove it until it has healed completely. You shouldn’t play with the earring, so you help it heal sooner and avoid infections.

The second important part is hygiene: it is advisable to wash the area three times a day with neutral soap or saline solution (make sure to wash your hands beforehand) and avoid any type of makeup. Redness, swelling and scabbing are normal in the healing process, but in case of infection or keloid, do not hesitate to see a doctor to avoid unnecessary discomfort.

A brand for life… or not

If you are doubting whether or not to get a septum piercing because you don’t know if removing it will leave you with a hole for life, you have to be very clear that it is, the hole is for life. It may be barely noticeable, but it all depends on several factors: how thick the needle is, the size of the jewel, how long you decide to wear it, proper healing after the perforation, and luck, because sometimes the scar tissue fills the hole, but there will always be a small mark.

The best way to avoid untimely regrets is to resort to fake piercings. You try it for a while and only when you are very clear that you want to wear it permanently, dare to go through the process of piercing your body.

If you are doubting whether or not to get a nose piercing because you don’t know if removing it will leave you with a hole for life, you have to be very clear that it is, the hole is for life. It may be barely noticeable, but it all depends on several factors: how thick the needle is, the size of the jewel, how long you decide to wear it, proper healing after the perforation, and luck, because sometimes the scar tissue fills the hole, but there will always be a small mark.

The best way to avoid untimely regrets is to resort to fake piercings. You try it for a while, and only when you are very clear that you want to wear it permanently, dare go through the process of piercing your body.


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