What Are Soul Ties And How Do You Break Them?

The idea of soul ties is not generally accepted. However, it is sometimes brought up in certain spiritual and romantic occasions. They are assumed to symbolise a strong emotional and spiritual bond between people, especially in the context of romantic or sexual interactions. These connections are believed to link individuals together on a profound level. Therefore, it makes it difficult to let go of a previous relationship or emotionally distance oneself from another.

The concept of a soul ties can be applied to anybody regardless of their spiritual or religious beliefs. It first developed in New Age belief systems. It has now been adopted in many Christian communities. Early in the new century, the phrase became well-known as a way to support people who were attempting to identify and quit toxic or unhealthy relationships.

Breaking soul ties involves several steps, which can vary depending on one’s beliefs and practices. The major steps involved are as follows:

1. Forgiveness: 

Beyond simply letting go of bitterness or other unfavourable feelings related to a relationship, forgiveness is a fundamental and transforming act. A significant amount of healing and the ultimate breaking of soul ties may result from this act of self-liberation. When you accept forgiveness, you not only free yourself from the weight of bitterness but also offer yourself permission to develop and change.

An essential part of this path is forgiving oneself. We frequently carry self-blame or shame for our part in a relationship’s difficulties. By granting yourself forgiveness, you admit that you are a fallible human being who deserves mercy. Self-acceptance and self-love, which are vital for personal development, are made possible by this self-forgiveness.

It’s equally important to forgive the other person. It’s a deliberate choice to release yourself from any emotional hold someone may have over you, not because you approve of their behavior or relieve them of guilt. Realising that harbouring bitterness and hatred simply makes your suffering worse is important.

The rewards of forgiving others are incredible, yet the route may be difficult at first. In order to make room for optimism, peace, and personal development, negativity needs to be let go of. You release yourself from the emotional bonds that keep you tied to the past. This enables you to move into a better, more liberated future.

2. Cutting Ties:

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Cutting ties is a significant stage in the process of recovering emotionally and breaking soul ties. It entails making a conscious attempt to cut the ties that once closely bound you to another individual. This transforming process heavily relies on imagery and symbolism.

Cutting ties through visualisation is one method. Imagine cords or cables in your hands, acknowledge their existence, and then picture yourself cutting them with a symbolic implement, like a pair of scissors or a sword.

This visualization allows you to regain a sense of freedom and personal power.

Some individuals find comfort by including rituals or prayers into this process. Depending on individual beliefs and cultural practices, these rituals can differ greatly. A ritual might, for instance, involves burning a candle, reciting a prayer, or engaging in a particular rite that denotes the breakup of the connection. These ceremonies can be extremely purifying, assisting people in formally making the decision to move on and achieving closure.

It’s important to keep in mind that breaking up with someone doesn’t mean you’re wiping out the memories or experiences you shared with them. It’s about taking back your emotional space and setting up healthy limits instead. After a relationship has ended, it’s an essential step towards healing and recovering your sense of self.

3. Setting Boundaries:

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Setting boundaries is a vital role in taking care of oneself andbreaking soul ties. It’s a procedure that gives you the power to decide what behaviour is appropriate and inappropriate in your dealings with others, particularly when interacting with people from your past. Healthy boundaries will shield your emotional and spiritual health. This allows you to navigate relationships with more confidence and self-respect.

Setting boundaries with someone from your past usually starts with the deliberate choice to reduce contact. Taking charge of how and when you interact with that person entails doing this. It could entail lessening the frequency of face-to-face interactions or social gatherings as well as, in the modern digital age, regulating online relationships by unfollowing or muting them on social media platforms.

Setting these boundaries is essential for your well-being and not as selfish as some people think. It enables you to put your own emotional and spiritual well-being first, preventing you from becoming overburdened or exhausted by encounters that result in tension or bad feelings. It’s a strategy for standing up for your wants and principles while also respecting the other person’s boundaries.

4. Self-Care:  

Self-care is a vital component of healing in the breaking of soul ties. It is important in the process of facing difficulties and complexities of life, including relationships, and is the cornerstone of one’s own well-being. It entails making a conscious decision to put your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being first. Maintaining resilience and navigating life’s ups and downs require self-care, which is neither a luxury nor a choice.

Self-care fundamentally entails taking care of your physical and emotional needs. It’s a method that includes self-acceptance, self-compassion, and love for oneself. 

Self-care activities are an approach to respect yourself. It could consist of a variety of behaviors, ranging from straightforward daily rituals like getting adequate sleep, eating wholesome meals, and exercising frequently to more deliberate practices like writing, meditation, or having professional treatment or counseling. This will also provide you time to rest and find your inner peace.

5. Support: 

Finding assistance is essential in breaking soul ties. It represents your readiness to open up to people you trust and share your thoughts and experiences, eventually promoting your emotional health.

As you navigate your emotions, friends offer a familiar and reassuring presence as well as empathy and company. They make it clear that you are not alone in your path by being eager to listen and connect.

Family members, especially those who are sympathetic to your circumstances, can offer support and unwavering affection. They might also provide helpful assistance, reducing your daily duties and enabling you to concentrate on your recovery and personal development.

A therapist or counselor’s professional assistance can be quite helpful. You can explore your thoughts and emotions in a secure, nonjudgmental environment created by these professionals. They provide direction, coping mechanisms, and resources to aid in navigating difficult emotions and advance your personal growth.

When you for help, you are demonstrating self-compassion and demonstrating that you value your well-being and deserve the support of others who care about you. 


It’s significant to remember that everyone’s experience with breaking down soul ties will be different. Also, not everyone agrees with this idea. Some people might benefit from it, while others might prefer to use more conventional psychological techniques to get over emotional attachments and ex-relationships. The most important thing is to put your mental and emotional well-being first as you work through these relationships.