100 Words Of Affirmation To Make Your Relationship Stronger

Affirmations, when spoken or chanted to your partner, have the power to change the way they think, feel, and act in their lives for the better. Words of affirmation can change their emotions and behaviours towards a positive feeling for you–the source.

Words of affirmation become particularly important when they are your partner’s love language.

Affirming words can be a powerful tool for enhancing the self-worth of your partner, expressing gratitude, and creating a profound sense of connectedness.

These affirmations shouldn’t be said only to your partner; you can say affirming words to yourself and together to strengthen your bond.

Below are 100 effective words of affirmation to strengthen your relationship.

Words of affirmation to say to yourself concerning your relationship

  1. The promise we made to one other is important to me, and I intend to keep it.
  2. Nothing shall come between us.
  3. In my relationship, I have a strong sense of security and unconditional love.
  4. My partner can always count on me to be open and honest with them.
  5. I’m really affectionate with my partner.
  6. I am thankful for the love I have in my life now.
  7. My partner is my best friend, so we have a lot of fun hanging out together.
  8. I love my partner very much.
  9. God will always watch over my relationship.
  10. My feelings for my partner continue to deepen as time goes on.
  11. Each and every day, I give thanks to God for my wonderful union.
  12. My partner and I make the choice to love each other every day.
  13. When I say “I do,” I mean it.
  14. I’m a patient, caring partner.
  15. I try to think about how I can make my partner happier at all times.
  16. My partner is and always has been my closest confidant.
  17. My partner and I have a lot of good times ahead of us.
  18. Right now, I’m content with where my love life is.
  19. I have an unwavering devotion to my lover.
  20. Every day, our relationship becomes more solid.

Words of affirmation you can say to each other

Words of affirmation you can say to each other

  1. Please accept my gratitude for being in my life; it means so much to me.
  2. I can count on you no matter what comes up.
  3. You make hanging out a blast.
  4. I really admire how you…
  5. I hold you in the highest regard.
  6. It means the world to me that we get to spend time together.
  7. Our life together is wonderful.
  8. I was thinking about you a lot.
  9. Just seeing you makes my day.
  10. In a word, you rock.
  11. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. It’s a blessing to be in your company.
  12. That [hat/dress/etc.] is really cute on you!
  13. It was so great when you… This has truly made my day.
  14. The food you prepared was superb.
  15. Having someone as intelligent as you is fantastic.
  16. You make my soul happy, and your presence improves my current situation.
  17. Without you, I would be helpless.
  18. You are a lot of laughs and thrills.
  19. I trust you, and I need your help.
  20. When I think of all the people in my life, you are the only one who makes me feel as joyful as I feel now.
  21. We really make a great pair.
  22. Thanks to you, I feel like I can conquer any challenge.
  23. I become a better version of myself when I’m with you.
  24. You are the greatest [child’s parent, friend, teacher, etc.].
  25. I think you handled that situation really well.
  26. Your opinion matters to me.
  27. Your encouragement is invaluable to me.
  28. Your outlook on life is very refreshing.
  29. Your ability to make me laugh is unmatched.
  30. You’re the only one who can make me feel so stunning.
  31. I really appreciate you, and I want you to know that.
  32. Just having you here brightens my day.
  33. Your [smile/laugh/eyes/point-of-view] is fantastic.
  34. I appreciate you letting me know how you feel.
  35. I love that I can be myself around you.
  36. I appreciate your candor.
  37. What a generous and considerate person you are.
  38. This is so thoughtful of you.
  39. You are really hot.
  40. With you, I have a purpose in life.
  41. Are you willing to lend a hand? Your suggestions and ideas are always spot on.
  42. You are the best in what you do.
  43. My best friend is you, and I enjoy spending time with very much.
  44. You really look out for me.
  45. The perfect words just seem to come out of your mouth.
  46. What you do for me is invaluable.
  47. A true motivation you are!
  48. What can I say? You are one in a million.
  49. You make me happy; you’re my ray of sunshine.
  50. Sorry if I offended you.
  51. Your presence improves the situation greatly.
  52. How incredibly challenging this must be. What can I do to assist you?
  53. You amaze me, and you motivate me.
  54. I appreciate you joining me in this endeavor.
  55. To put it simply, you enlightened me.
  56. Your suggestions are fantastic.
  57. You’re quite selfless in the way you care for those closest to you.
  58. I’m honored to work beside you.
  59. I trust you completely.
  60. I appreciate that you prioritize spending time with me.
  61. That was really kind of you to say/do.
  62. What you did/said was incredibly thoughtful.
  63. You have a gift for making me laugh.
  64. You are the master at making me smile.
  65. Your company makes me feel secure.
  66. You are the most hilarious person I know.
  67. When we do something memorable together, it makes me happy.
  68. Keep in mind that you can count on me forever.
  69. Everything is more enjoyable thanks to you.
  70. I appreciate you noticing my needs.
  71. So many aspects of my life have been improved because of you. What would I do if you weren’t in my life?
  72. You’re a wonderful parent and role model for our children.
  73. You have my support on whatever decision you make concerning this.
  74. I really value your thoughts.
  75. You are very thoughtful.
  76. Your presence makes everything better for me.
  77. In a word, you’re perfect. You’ve made me realize how fortunate I am.
  78. Your insight is priceless.
  79. The way you think and perceive the world fascinates me.
  80. For your love, I am grateful.


Affirmations can bring positivity back into your life, help you regain or increase your self-confidence, motivate you to take action on certain things, help you focus on achieving your goals in life, help you change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns. They help you gain access to a new belief system.

Encouraging words can be invaluable to those who are hurting. When one’s partner offers words of encouragement and support, it can boost morale and provide the impetus needed to keep going. It is, therefore, encouraged!