12 Best Wedding Speeches For The Bride

A wedding day should be made the best and most memorable one of one’s life. Ability to create and do whatever is good for you and your partner should be the sole purpose of your wedding in this era.

Initially, wedding speeches and toasts are reserved for the father of the bride, the best man, and the honor to congratulate the happy couple, but since it’s your day, anything you want to do to make your partner and yourself happy is your ball to kick. It’s on your table to decide if you should grab the mic and says speeches that could seize your partner’s breath and keep your guests in awe.

The big question here should be, what exactly do you say, how long should you say it and how should you say it? This article answers these questions as it will tell you the best speeches to say, how long you should say and how you should say it.

What you will say

It is always proper in such speeches to start by thanking everyone who attended and people who played very important roles during the preparations. It is a joy of joy that those who made efforts are been appreciated. However, this content is strictly on things to tell your bride in front of everyone who attended. Here are the best speeches that would remain a memory to them and never leave their head;

12 Best speeches for the bride examples

1. Today is my most dreaded day, and it’s like a dream come true because I have got myself a perfect man as my husband. It’s revealing how from now on I will have something so special to celebrate every year on this date and that is because I will be spending all my life with the funniest, cleverest, loving and most caring ma. I feel and know I am the luckiest wife on the planet earth today to be called the wife of an amazing man like you. Words can’t explain how I feel but thank you for finding me, for loving me, and for sticking to me despite what.

2. Hey man, I know I always say this, but it’s on a different note today. You came into my life and changed it completely. You brought out the best in me and I can’t say any other thing without telling you that you are my favorite man in this world. And until a younger part of you emerge, you will continue to hold that position. You were scared that I could get tired of you since this is a long journey, and now I will ask, who gets tired of the air that she breaths, the endocardium of her heart, nobody baby, because they are as good as dead without these things. Thank you for allowing me to be yours and cheers to unending love.

3. Hey baby, I want to tell you this on this very day in front of people that we respect and value I love you not only because of what you have made out of yourself but for what you are making of me. For the best of me that you bring out, for putting your hand into my messed up heart, passing over all the foolish weak things and draining out into the light, the beautiful belonging that no one has been patient enough to find.

4. Men are like stars, with so many to pick from and the best is the one who can make your dream come true. My dream is already here and I can say I am very happy to have picked my perfect star. Now that I have aligned with my stars, I can’t wait to start shining bright like a diamond in the sky.

5. To the love of my life, I would not have imagined that at a time like this, I would be standing here today with a ring on my finger, sharing your name with you and calling you husband. This s far is my greatest achievement, Thank you love for haven made me achieve this. I adore and love you from the abysm of my heart.

6. I wasn’t ready for the best but here I am with the best, aren’t I such a lucky champ? I am so glad that I have become you. Thank you for the love, friendship, support, and joy that you have brought into my life. With you by my side, I know I have so much hope for the future, I look forward to making our dreams a reality and sharing this incredible journey with you.

7. To my husband (it’s real now) thank you for choosing to embark on this journey with me. This journey will last a lifetime. I am so pleased and proud to be you. Bear in mind that you will always have my love be my rock and be my best friend. Thank you for the moments you have created so far because they have all been amazing.

8. With you my love, I have come to realize that love doesn’t consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together and in the same direction with a long conversation that will always seem too short. Thanking you love for asking me to walk through this with you in this journey.

9. I want to talk about my husband, exciting right? I now have one. When I look at him, all I see is love and I sometimes wonder if there is any type of love apart from the one he shows and expresses to me. This is not just for me but for everyone around him. Before I met him, I spent time looking for someone who could change me and make me a great person. On meeting him, my hubby taught me I don’t need to change, I just have to improve because greatness was inside of me. Before you could think of that, I was already seeing the best version of me. Today, I don’t just feel like a bride, I don’t just feel like a wife, I feel so complete because I have got him by my side and will always do. So I want to say cheers to my complete self through him.

10.  I just have a few words for him and it’s thanking you for making me find the best man on planet earth. Dear hubby, I would dutifully do my job as a wife with all the love I have inside of me. Get ready for a happy after

11.  During the exchange of vows, I noticed something, guess what! My heart left my chest and it return immediately, I sharply reached out to your chest and I notice something too. Wow! It was all I ever prayed for as a child, a change in heart with my partner. Now you have mine and I have us, this means I have my perfect match now and with my perfect match I feel so safe. Thank you for the safety you have granted me

12.  I didn’t fall in love with you, I walked in love with you, with my eyes wide open and my heart and brain accepting to take every step along the way. In essence, if I am given the option again I will choose you over and over again to surpass the extent I have done. Thank you for your love and for us. I love you unapologetically.


With this speech above as the concentrating point on your groom, you would be able to leave blushing and grateful for this day. Remember that the tone in which you present your speech needs to balance with sincerity and humor. Use up some time pondering how you want to deliver the speech

Think about how you can add a little touch of humor. Time is the other issue with the bride’s wedding speech. Avoid a long speech at all costs. Remember that typically several speeches will take place, so you want to take up too much time, and with these all strategically played out, you will end up delivering the best bride’s speech ever.