There are so many ways you can have fun with a question game, either by playing a drinking game for the chilly evening, or you can go for the well-known “never have I ever” game. If you want you can go for the game of truth or dare. But if you are looking for good deep truth questions for her, you can use this game to know more about your girlfriend and understand her better.
These really good 100 truth questions for a girlfriend are listed below, so you may use them to engage her in a conversation or through texting to pass time at home. The truth questions you’ll find here are funny, and embarrassing memory questions that will cause you two to be entertained and enough to make you laugh.
100 good truth questions for your girlfriend

- Do you have a criminal record?
- Which of your ex would you choose if you have to go back?
- When was the last time you told a lie?
- When did you last cry?
- Who is the person you pretended to like but couldn’t stand?
- Have you ever intentionally ignored your parent’s calls?
- What crime would you commit if you had the power to go free?
- Do you have a secret admirer?
- Which of your past mistakes do you regret?
- What is a laughable red line in a relationship for you?
- Do you have a bestie?
- Have you ever skinny-dipped?
- What do you regret buying with your money?
- What is one thing you can’t buy with your money
- Do you have an absurd plan for your life?
- What scares you the most?
- Have you ever urinated on yourself?
- Do you have a weird dream aspiration?
- What is your wildest fantasy?
- What’s a decision you regret making?
- Have you ever made up a lie to escape your date? What was the lie you gave?
- What mistake do you regret?
- What was the most unusual food you’ve ever eaten?
- If you had to be the opposite sex for 24 hours what would you do?
- What would you never allow in a relationship?
- What is one thing you hate about yourself?
- What is the most bizarre thing you’ve ever heard about your character?
- Do you miss your ex?
- Have you ever had a threesome?
- What makes you the happiest?
- Have you had sexual intercourse with the same sex?
- What disgusting meal combination is your favorite?
- When was your last kiss?
- What would easily offend you?
- . What is something about you that you’re relieved your parents don’t know?
- Have you ever lied about your age?
- Have you ever lied about your grade?
- Have you ever cheated on your partner?
- Are you easily influenced?
- Have you gone a day without showering?
- Which of your past crimes do you consider to be the worst?
- Have you ever stolen someone’s valuables?
- What is a secret you haven’t shared with anyone?
- What’s your favorite sex position?
- Do you possess a hidden talent?
- What is your worst date experience?
- What is the biggest mistake you have ever made on a date?
- Do you have a secret crush?
- Do you have a celebrity crush?
- Have you ever used a pick-up line on someone?
Related: Cute Truth Or Dare Questions For Girlfriend
Good truth questions to ask a girl over text

- Have you ever mistakenly shared a nude with someone?
- What do you think about polyamory?
- Have you ever shared your nude?
- Do you regret being intimate with someone?
- What is your most awful sexual experience?
- Have you ever lied to me?
- Do you still communicate with any of your exes?
- Do you have a bad habit?
- Do you have any insecurity?
- What is the last truth you told?
- What is the last lie you told?
- At the count of 3 who comes first in mind? If you are asked to slap someone.
- If you can have anyone you want, who would it be?
- What would be your three wishes for a genie?
- What do you not like about me?
- What do you love about me?
- When was the last time you got drunk?
- Have you ever farted in public and give someone else a stink eye?
- What has ever happened to you that has caused you the most public embarrassment?
- What is an embarrassing story no one knows about you?
- What would you like to change about me?
- Do you have confidence in yourself?
- Do you have any life regrets?
- Have you ever been arrested?
- Have you ever accused someone wrongly?
- Have you ever stalked someone and who was that?
- Are you two-faced?
- Have you ever admired a stranger?
- Have you ever shared your contact with a stranger?
- Have you ever given out the wrong number?
- Have you ever given out the wrong address?
- Do you have a crush on a female celebrity at the momemt?
- What do you love about the opposite sex?
- What do you find attractive in the same gender?
- What is the widest advice you have ever given to yourself?
- What is the best advice you’ve ever given to yourself or someone?
- If you had to marry now who would it be?
- If I was in jail and sentenced to five years, and your nude is the only thing that can bail me out immediately. Would you do it?
- Have you ever ghosted someone?
- Do you currently hate someone?
- Do you sing in the shower and act like you are an artist? What song is your favorite to sing?
- What is your best ice cream flavor?
- Have you ever eaten food that dropped on the floor?
- If you become a celebrity today what is the first thing you would do?
- Have you ever been caught doing it?
- Have you ever been caught touching yourself?
- What is one secret you will hide from your partner?
- Have you ever imagined kissing someone while looking into the mirror?
- Have you ever scammed anyone?
- Have you ever pranked anyone?
If you don’t know her well, this list above is sure to help you with that while getting entertained. These truth questions are sure not only to have you two laughing while sharing your most embarrassing moments or spilling your tea, it sure causes an adrenaline rush just like Dares. Even though you two are apart, you are still bound to have fun asking these intriguing questions.